5x Session Sibling Pass
We know that bringing TWO kids can get expensive. Our 'Siblings Pass' allows you the same flexibility of a flexi pass... but you can book in two spots and only pay half price for child number 2. It is also valid for 10 weeks so you don't need to worry if kids are sick and you miss a session.
10x Session Sibling Pass
We know that bringing TWO kids can get expensive. Our 'Siblings Pass' allows you the same flexibility of a flexi pass... but you can book in two spots and only pay half price for child number 2. It is also valid for 10 weeks so you don't need to worry if kids are sick and you miss a session.
Please note Tiny Hands-On and Baby Hands-On are changing in Term 4. If you wish to register your interest in a particular day and/or time for either of these please send an email to hello@handsonheads.com.au